Tropical plants by definition are plants that grow naturally in a tropical climate. These are plants that do well during our summers outside and winters inside. Typically we start carrying tropicals in April. Once the night temperatures stay consistently above 50 degrees, it is safe for tropicals to stay outside.
- Hibiscus
- Dipleidenia
- Mandevilla
- Canna
- Ruellia
- Oleander
- Passion Vine
- Gardenia
- Jasmine
- Croton
- Ferns
- Kimberley QUeen
- Macho
- Dracaena Cordyline Florica
- Palms
- Robelenii
- Ravanea
- Sago
- Spindle
- Triangle
- Eugenia
- Banana Plants
- Lemon
- Lime
- Calamondon Orange