Cold Tolerant Annuals
The Annual planting season can start as early as Late March. Typically pansies and other cold tolerant annuals arrive by April 1st. Cold tolerant annuals include:
- Pansies
- Snapdragons
- Dianthus
- Stock
- Alyssum
- Primrose
- Viola
- Ranneulus
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Brussel Sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Lettuce
Summer Planting
Summer Planting Season typically begins in May. In Illinois, Zone 5 (where we are) our last frost date is May 15th. We aren't saying you can't or shouldn't plant before that but to be aware that there is still a chance of frost. We do carry frost protectors should that happen.
Warm season annual selection seems endless. But here are some of our favorites:
- Angelania
- Big Leaf Begonias
- Calibrachoa (Millionbells)
- Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost'
- Lantana
- Pentas
- Sun Coleus
- Sun Patiens
- Vinca
- Geraniums
- Begonias Re X
- Begonias Nonstops
- Caladiums
- Coleus
- New Guinea Impatiens
- Fushia
- Creeping Jenny
- Iboza (Swedish Ivy)
- Ivy
- Ferns
- Grasses
- Purple Fountain Grass
- Millet
- Bronzita
- Curly Rush
- Dracaena Spikes
- Vinca Vine
- Sweet Potato Vine
- Dichondra
- Licorice Vine
Late Summer
The planters are starting to look a little tire and sad around July. This is the time to bring in fresh stock of heat loving annuals before we move into Fall.
- Cannas
- Big Leaf Begonias
- Vinca
- Cuphea
- Gomphrena
Fall Season
Fall season typically begins Early September. Just switching a few things in your planters can freshen them up for Fall. There is no need to redo everything. Check out some of these fall plant selections:
- Mums
- Pansies
- Cabbage & Kale
- Dianthus
- Swiss Chard
- Mustards